For context, this is from some code that implements chart brushing:
function brushed() { if (d3.event.sourceEvent && d3.event.sourceEvent.type === "zoom") return; // ignore brush-by-zoom var s = d3.event.selection || x2.range(); x.domain(, x2));".area").attr("d", area);".axis--x").call(xAxis);".zoom").call(zoom.transform, d3.zoomIdentity .scale(width / (s[1] - s[0])) .translate(-s[0], 0));}
We already have x
and x2
initialised as two time scales:
var x = d3.scaleTime().range([0, width]),x2 = d3.scaleTime().range([0, width])
and s
is initialised as
var s = d3.event.selection || x2.range();
(where the d3.event
is a brushing event)
The line
x.domain(, x2));
sets the x
scale domain by running x2.invert
on each item in array s
with x2
as the this
value. In practice, this means you are running
x.domain( x2.invert( s[0] ), x2.invert( s[1] ) );
as there are only two values in s
and the this
context does not affect the invert
function. In terms of the visualisation, this is setting the time span covered by the large chart by converting the pixel values of the edges of the selection box in the bottom chart into dates on the large chart.
To briefly summarise the whole function:
function brushed() { if (d3.event.sourceEvent && d3.event.sourceEvent.type === "zoom") return; // ignore brush-by-zoom // get the edges of the selection box or use the maximum values (in x2.range) var s = d3.event.selection || x2.range(); // convert those pixel values into dates, and set the x scale domain to those values x.domain(, x2)); // redraw the top graph contents to show only the area within the x domain".area").attr("d", area); // redraw the top graph's x axis with the updated x scale domain".axis--x").call(xAxis); // zoom the overlay of the top graph to reflect the new x domain // so that any zoom operations will scale correctly".zoom").call(zoom.transform, d3.zoomIdentity .scale(width / (s[1] - s[0])) .translate(-s[0], 0));}